Night Will Shine as Day
From an Idea
To Execution

About a week from October 7th we created a therapeutic space that offers comprehensive and professional care to process and release the trauma. We strive to provide a ‘vaccine’ that will minimize the odds of developing post-trauma syndromes, enhance the belief in a full and happy life after such horrific events, and even grow from them.
Professional, therapeutic care can influence many aspects of a person’s well-being: mental, physical, family relations, functional, health, and more.
In our healing therapy, we combine mental and physical treatments, spirituality, awareness, creativity, music, and nature. All are guided by high-level experienced clinical therapists from the fields of trauma (e.g. Hakomi, EMDR), alongside other experienced therapists. All of the activities happen in the community, which is an important part of the healing process.
‘Night Will Shines as Day’ is a cooperative initiative of:
Shira Brukner - Comes from the world of clinical therapy; combining methods of nature, spirituality, our physical body, movement, and consciousness.
Nitzan Keren - Comes from the world of event producing, and specializes in retreats.

Our Values
The Heart of our Activities
Embraces, humane, family
An encompassing treatment in its broad aspect:
body, soul, spirit, music, movement, creativity, nature, nourishment, prayer, and community
Authenticity, a close and open conversation, vulnerability, might, acceptance, caring, and watching eyes
A hope for a better life,
Belief in growth out of a traumatic event,
Permission and right to continue a full,
meaningful, good life
Top of the trauma field professionals, with rich and intensive experience. Clinically proven methods for coping with trauma, and a comprehensive familiarity with the psychedelia world with all its facets. Accompanied by other treatment experts
“You Are Never Alone”
The power of the individual, belonging,
and retracting to tribe customs